20 Aug 2015 12:15 AM:
i cant believe any of you ex pats who are talking about shopping people for doing key holding , cleaning , taxi runs to the airport ect , or even the people who probably do work for YOU cheaper , even though you could pay more by going to a spanish company ..but greed gets you all anything to save a few quid ..thats exactly what these people are trying to do save you a few quid while making a few quid them selfs
now as for people on sickness benefits or anything related to sickness ..they are NOT eligble for work.. yes they may look fit and healthy , but are you a doctor ? do you know there illness ? do you know how it affects them ? so untill you do i suggest you stop posting crap about them and have the balls to say it to their face ..who knows you may even get a perfectly reasonable answer from them ..but no ..you would rather do it anonymous ha ha
now as for these poor people who have to serve you at a pub or a resteraunt who just might be getting paid cash in hand ..well do you complain as they are serving you ? do you say ..sorry i cant have you serving me because you dont pay tax ? ..i very much doubt it ..so your just as bad for buying something or using someone in that situation.
as for unemployed not paying tax ...get a life .. EVERYONE pays tax ..even the unemployed , its called VAT.
the uk ecomomy is in the shit ..but its not as bad as spain most of the work in spain is seasonal so if thats the only way to make ends meet then good on them they aint hurting you at all ..you may find yourself in that situation one day.
oh and i bet you have uk tv to ...well thats illegal for a start ..check it out.
and just for the record ..yes i am in full time employment and i do pay my taxes just like everyone else ..but if i can get a job done cheaper ..cash in hand ..then i will do that and i wouldnt even think twice about it.
Would you shop anyone?