13 May 2007 9:50 PM:
Hi , searched the internet looking into this for you.
The only article I could find was relating to Barcelona.
the full article can be found on.
I hope its ok to put this link as its thier article and thier copyright.
Like all information on the web you should get it verified before taking it as gospal. A lesson the British Goverment should have learned.
"New regulations have been introduced which make it difficult to rent out property in Barcelona on a short-term basis to tourists. If renting out is part of your plan, be sure to have a lawyer check what you can do with a property before you buy it. The regulations are complex, and vary from district to district. Generally speaking, you can only rent out property to tourists (legally) if you have a licence from the town hall. In the popular old town district the town hall will not grant any more licences, so buying a property that already has a licence is your only option. In other areas, there are different conditions that determine when a licence will be granted. And in all areas of Barcelona, you must have a permit from the regional government to engage in this activity if you are to do it legally. People may tell you that these licences aren’t important, and that everyone rents out regardless. You would be wise to ignore these people, and check everything on this subject with your lawyer before buying. Bear in mind that, if you try to rent without a permit, you risk being reported to the authorities (neighbours unhappy with rowdy tourists usually oblige on this front), and if anything happens to a tourist staying in your apartment without licences, you could be in serious trouble.
I this helps a bit
This message was last edited by gtcstudio on 5/13/2007.
Dont Panic