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Soy... un hombre

Vivo en... Eastbourne for now. Villar del Arzobispo soon

hotdog's latest forum comments

05 Aug 2010 9:09 PM:

Hi Steph71

Thanks for the offer but we're looking for a 4x4, probably a Kia or Honda. I've just sold my Seat Ibiza.


Thread: Reputable car dealers in Valencia

22 Jul 2010 9:08 PM:

               BEST Moving over in 6 weeks

                WORST   Having to wait for 6 weeks

Thread: What's your one best thing and one worst thing about Spain

22 Jul 2010 8:42 PM:

Unfortunately we don't have much choice who we fly with. Gatwick to Valencia has only Easyjet! We thought that by checking in online that it would be so much easier at the airport. Boy was I wrong!! We still had to join the extra long queue which was for every single Easyjet passenger and every destination.

Thankfully on Sept 4th we only need to get a one-way ticket as we don't intend coming back again. Anyone near Casinos or Lliria want to chat? We'll be moving to our new home in Villar in 45 days time! COME ON THEN!!!

Thread: EasyJet vs Ryan Air

28 May 2010 12:00 AM:

Hi everybody

We will be moving to Valencia in the next few months and will be looking for a descent cheapish car. We will not be looking for a British car, so does anyone know of a good second-hand car dealer around the Valencian area?

Thread: Reputable car dealers in Valencia


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Where will we go
"We're intending to leave England and move to Spain. We're looking for the right area."
Last Updated: 4/25/2010 10:03:10 PM
Lifetime Views: 20563

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