04 Jul 2008 12:00 AM:
We had thought it was only promoters who ignored their clients once they had been paid the balance of money at completion. They were the ones who would ignore requests to complete reported snagging lists.
Unfortunately our lawyer is no longer responding to any of our emailsregarding ongoing problems with snags. Emails worked perfectly before completion but apparently not any more.
Our last request was because our promoter is now deciding that snags are caused by lack of maintenance or misuse which they can decide without even looking at the property or fault reported. They actually gave me this in writing recently which is what prompted email to "our" lawyer.
We had been advised that our lawyer was responsible for the fulfilment by the promoter of the contract including snagging and fault completion. It now seems that we are left to our own devices by our lawyer as well as the promoter !!!!!
Can one take action or make a complaint through an official body about lawyers in Spain ?
Or does one take the route of completing an "Hoja de Reclamacion" at our local office or does it have to be at the office in the town were lawyer practices (Alicante) ?
Any help or advice appreciated.
No response from Lawyer after completing purchase