23 Feb 2008 11:24 AM:
There is an article in this weeks euro weekly news about health.
The "salud responde" service is available 24 hours a day 365 days a year and can also be used to get an appointment with a paediatrician, receive medical or first aid advice etc. It says all you need is the social security number from your Spanish health card. The number to call is 902 505 060 they have operators who speak English and other languages., or the internet in Spanish only https://ws003.juntadeandalucia.es/pls/intersas/servicios.acceso_portal or e-mail saludresponde@juntadeandalucia.es You can also find out how to get a Spanish health card, to locate your nearest health centre or find out which doctor has been assigned to you. Hope this helps. Sorry don't know where Los Montesinos is.
Los montesinos - English speaking doctors?