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jackexpat's latest forum comments

09 Apr 2016 7:21 PM:

bobaol - a point well made, but of course Rajoy represents the monied and  bosses and not really those who work for them - changing the time zone would be the thin end of the wedge in the sense of an erosion of the kind of Medditteranean lifestyle so admired by many in northern Europe.

Thread: Spain to Stop Siestas

09 Apr 2016 11:28 AM:

Isn't the siesta an eminently sensible idea in a country where temperatures can soar to the mid 40s in the middle of a summer afternoon. That practical consideration aside, the siesta reminds us that life is about more than just being a wage slave on a treadmill which is so characteristic of northern Europe and the US which have turned a low wage high cost nightmare run by the multinationals. A compromise might be flexible hours. Glad I'm retired.

Thread: Spain to Stop Siestas


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