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13 May 2014 9:22 AM:

Thanks for the replies.  I've got the guy to pay for the SUMA and return the documents to me so that I can complete the transfer but now I'm waitng on him to provide passport, NIE and proof of address so that I can proceed.  If I don't get them soon can I do a baja without them?  As it stands it seems to me that he could drag this out forever.  There must be a way that I can get my name disassociated from this vehicle.  The way car transfers are handled in Spain is just a bureaucratic nightmare - surely the time has come to simplify things.

Thread: Registering a car in the new owners name

11 May 2014 2:59 PM:

Can anyone give me advice as to what to do in my situation.  I sold my car to a .local trader last Septemeber with the agreement that he would arrange to do the paperwork for the transfer.  I have now recently received the SUMA which shows that the car is still in my name.  He has promised to pay the SUMA and do the transfer 'shortly'. In the meantime he is using the car as a rental vehicle and I am concerned that any traffic infringements will become my respondibility.  It looks like I am going to have to sort this out myself but I don't have a clue as to where to begin.  I've checked online for the necessary forms but it looks like a can of worms  Any advice would be appeciated.

Thread: Registering a car in the new owners name

14 Mar 2012 10:03 PM:

 jay6gee, you should be saving a small amount with CESEL.  I was in the same position, I realised Iberswitch were a con and cancelled my DD to Iberswitch.  I then contacted CESEL direct and told them I wished to stay with them and to send my bills directly to me.  They have a discount which is slightly less than Iberdrola for 12 months so you may as well stay put until the end of the 12 month period then see what's on offer.  The amount Iberswitch charge per month wipes out any savings that you make so no point in paying them.  Iberswitch will never save anyone any money, they know this but continue to advertise for customers.  They should be closed down by the government at the earliest opportunity.  The way the regulations are set up in Spain at the moment ensures that there is no real free market competion, therefore no opportunity to save money.  The initial 35€ I paid to Iberswicth plus, 4.17€ per month for the 8 months I was with them, has resulted in my costs for the 12 months being more than if I had stay with Iberdrola.  I know of several people that switched via Iberswith and not one of them has saved anything - in fact I asked last year via this forum if there was any Iberswitch customer that had saved any money and I am still awaitng answers.  Anyone out there contemplating signintg up with them, be warned


Thread: Iberswitch

22 Dec 2011 12:56 PM:


Same thing happened to my neighbour, how many others have they done this to?  It would appear they're just a bunch of 'get rich quick merchants'  I have warned people on this and other forums in the past - stay well clear!

Thread: Iberswitch

30 Nov 2011 4:50 PM:


The debit or credit card payment was a suggestion by Iberswitch in case of problems with your direct debit to the electricity provider but is not compulsory.  I certainly did not provide such payment details and would warn anybody against doing so. The agrreement with them is purely that, an agreement and can be cancelled at anytime/


Thread: Iberswitch


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