11 Feb 2009 8:00 PM:
"Friends of ours ...... normally pay 320 every 2 months"
What the hell are they running???
Husband, wife 2 young kids and 1 teenager.
Aircon/heating on about 12-14+ hours a day during the winter. At least 2 washes a day and tumbledryer to dry the washing. Plasma tv and related equipment. Electric oven and hob, dishwasher and other usual kitchen stuff as there is no gas. Plus all the other equipment that you use.
Unfortunately they are allegic to oil fumes.
It does seem a lot but as my last bill was 12:20 euros and the biggest has been 34:41 euros (this was the summer period and we had been there for 5 weeks and rarely used the aircon) I can't say one way or another.
When we get there in May/June and have been there for a few months we will have a better idea.
Is it cheaper to live in Spain?