¿Quien es javcax?

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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... Language teacher

Vivo en... Huelva

Me gusta... Reading, music, languages, nature ...

Trabajo de... Teacher

Mi firma en el foro es...


javcax's latest forum comments

20 Apr 2013 9:49 PM:

Spanishheaven is collaborating with Fundación Laborería to achieve their goals. Laboreria.org is the project of this Spanish charity based in Huelva. Thanks to our collaboration, If someone supports their project in one of the biggest crowdfunding Spanish website you can have an interesting reward: Intensive Spanish Course at our school, preferential treatment by the representatives of the foundation, visit their projects and accommodation at their own homes. The donation will go entirely to the foundation. If you have any suggestion for them follow this link or contact for more information.

Kind regards

Thread: Support a Spanish foundation crowdfunding project.

04 Jan 2013 12:04 AM:

I'm Spanish and I am the President of a small local charity in Huelva. For the last years we have focused on teaching children with educational needs how to play chess and how the main points of emotional intelligence can be applied to their education through through the practice of chess. If someone is interested in learning about our project, visit us or collaborate will be wellcome.

Thread: Local Charity in Huelva

12 Dec 2012 10:32 AM:


I'm new in the forum. I work as a teacher. If you have any word or expression and you don't know the meaning or how to use it in Spanish language, you can ask and I can to help.


Thread: Spanish language help

09 Dec 2012 6:33 PM:

Hi maddiemack,

Thanks for your reply. I'll try to be helpful and learn from the people that post here.

There is no relation between the names "Javier" and "Paquito". People who are called "Paquito" has "Francisco" as their first name. "Francisco" is the same name that "Paco" and, more familiar, "Paquito". So, your friend's name is probably "Francisco Javier". There are a lot of "Francisco Javier" in Spain. The name "Francisco" is very common in Spain followed by another name "Francisco José" "Francisco Manuel", etc...

Though my name is "Javier" and not "Francisco Javier", you can call me "Paquito" as well. When I was in England people called me whatever they wanted because the name "Javier" is very difficult to pronounce for native English speaker.  I've never been called like that but it sounds funny.


Thread: New in the forum

09 Dec 2012 9:54 AM:

Thank you for this useful information Poppyseed. I'm not a native English and it is hard for us to interpret messages on the Internet.

Thread: Internet Slang


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Last Updated: 11/3/2013 9:03:42 PM
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