Econo heat panel heaters -
"Hi Everyone,
Just purchased two heaters secondhand with the hope of reducing heating costs. There seems to be lots of info Re: Econoheat but the other one is named HORI and I can't find any info on it. Can anyone help with
1. Running costs of Econo Heat.
2. Information of HORI heater.
Last Updated: 11/18/2010 12:06:23 PM
Lifetime Views: 6353
Coast versus Campo a personal account
"Hi We are Joan and Trevor Moorhouse and spend our time between our villa on the coast Nr. Torrevieja and our Cortijo in the Campo, Near Huescar Andalucia. We love both our homes, but would like to share with you how our lives change depending on which home we are in. Have a look at the article I wrote recently on 'eyeinspain' ' from ruin to reformation in Andalucia'. "
Last Updated: 3/24/2010 11:05:05 AM
Lifetime Views: 3901