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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... Happily married, 2 grown up boys.

Vivo en... UK

Me gusta... I have a Triumph Bonneville!

Trabajo de... Communications Officer.

jerryb's latest forum comments

06 Jul 2022 3:21 PM:

Hi Deeleys,

I think in short, the answer to your question is no. I am unable to offer you a full explanation, perhaps Maria might. Out of their jurisdiction or some such reason. I was pinning my hopes on that!

Thread: Bank´s liability on custody of off plan funds

11 Feb 2022 9:55 AM:

I think the lack of response says a lot.

Thread: Corvera, Huma, Inversiones Manymar, Socribo, Sol Mijas--CostaLuz Lawyes new won cases

10 Jan 2020 2:02 PM:

Sandra, your comment on this thread on the 30/12 appears to mirror exactly how my wife and I feel about compensation, not only on the financial loss, but to the physical and mental stress we have endured since this fiasco started.

The recent Spanish Supreme Court reversal of my previous win at the first instance and appeal, have made me feel as if I'm the criminal here, having the audacity to ask for my money back! Being herded into taking further legal action, and the costs involved, or throw your hands up and give up, just don't seem fair. 

Thread: Bank´s liability on custody of off plan funds

20 Dec 2019 1:52 PM:

Hi Ads, I have posted you a pm

Thread: Comfort in numbers.

07 Dec 2019 7:48 PM:

After winning the First Instance and Provincial appeal, my lost deposit plus interest was returned to me, and currently sits in my account, but was advised not to touch it as the bank had appealed to the SC.

The SC reversed the original findings, which means they will demand the lost deposit and interest back, and cover the banks legal costs for the First Instance procedure just to really turn the screw.

Thread: Comfort in numbers.


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