29 Sep 2008 7:22 PM:
Febe, I am sure the Spanish have just as many weird experiences as we do, regarding translations.
I am so glad i am in Murcia,
¡solo castellano!
A friend is 5 minutes away and has Valenciano and Castellano to deal with.
However i will say, helping children with homework initially, has helped MY Spanish no end....
Like you love Uk but absolutely LOVE SPAIN and living here, it is a life experience even if it doesn't last forever so glad we have done it as a family.
Thread: Kindness of the Spanish.
29 Sep 2008 6:18 PM:
Hi - Will definitely look at page 888 - every little helps, thank for the valuable tip. My comprehension is much better than aural - probably like most of us struggling Brits, BUT I will not give up learning, just think it is so worth it to try.....
Thread: Kindness of the Spanish.
28 Sep 2008 9:24 AM:
Many thanks for all the information, as always. Great to be part of this friendly forum. 
Will look at all the sites suggested.
I know the connections for our Spanish TDT are intact, because my husband re-installed out Telmicro here when we moved and he took the time and effort to pull the cables down the separate conduit not just tacked it to the side of the house, like I have seen many do!!!
Think I am definitely going for canal +, can't really justify over 1000€ for a huge dish at the moment, kids seem to soak up any spare cash we have!! 
Once again MANY THANKS TO, satandpcguy, semi and Kev
Thread: Digital Canal +
26 Sep 2008 12:00 AM:
Hi, I wonder if anyone can confirm for me:
As I have been quoted upwards of 1200€ for a big dish on my roof, I am looking at the possibility of having Canal + installed, but I am trying to find these answers first!
a) If I get Canal + installed, what channels can the dubbing be turned off of? I don't want to pay for the subscription and only be able to turn 1 channel over, as I can do this on the tdt.
b) We have a communal Spanish digital ariel, is this all we need or will we need our own?
I have tried to find answers elsewhere, but don't seem to be able to. Can anyone PLEASE help? 
Many thanks.
Thread: Digital Canal +
25 Sep 2008 8:21 PM:
Less of a target for passing thieves as well without the mesh!!!!
Thread: Telimico GONE AGAIN............