11 Jun 2012 6:31 PM:
My problem arose when I checked my Moneybookers account this morning. On the 5th of May I transferred £2000 pounds as I do regularly to my Bancaja Account to cover payments. I noticed that £1930.00 had been returned to my Moneybookers account because my Bancaja account no longer exists. We have never been notified by Bankia that our Bancaja account details needed to be changed. I have apparently lost £70 pounds which I am still in the process of seeking an explanation for from Moneybookers.
I did get some joy when I asked how to access my account online though. You type in your NI Number without the letters. Only the numbers. Then you type in your cards PIN in the password field.
I'm arriving in Spain on the 24th of June. I will be visiting my Bankia branch on the 25th and I will be looking to be reimbursed for my losses.
Bancaja merger with Bankia....the customer´s nightmare