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04 Nov 2008 12:08 PM:

ok, i,m not sollicitor if this is the case good news for clients.

Thread: Has anyone heard of this Polaris World lawsuit?

03 Nov 2008 11:45 AM:

Linda, when you get to site click on right hand side "topics from past 60 days etc otherwise the site is hidden, then all the subjects pop up.

Thread: Has anyone heard of this Polaris World lawsuit?

03 Nov 2008 11:40 AM:

Hi Linda i meant sites in general i,m not El Valle Owner but at Hacienda Riquelma owners are having the same problems even worse, on the clients site www polarisworldforum.net  and go to the resort and click on the relevant icon and you will see many remarks/advice etc the problem is that in the contract it does not state that you receive the town centre the contract is just for the property even though in all the brochures this was promised. Therefore i suggest get together with other customers and protest this way i,m not sure if any success is guaranteed, the same will happen at  Condado guaranteed.

Thread: Has anyone heard of this Polaris World lawsuit?

03 Nov 2008 11:39 AM:

Hi Linda i meant sites in general i,m not El Valle Owner but at Hacienda Riquelma owners are having the same problems even worse, on the clients site polarisworldforum.net first type  and go to the resort and click on the relevant icon and you will see many remarks/advice etc the problem is that in the contract it does not state that you receive the town centre the contract is just for the property even though in all the brochures this was promised. Therefore i suggest get together with other customers and protest this way i,m not sure if any success is guaranteed, the same will happen at  Condado guaranteed.

Thread: Has anyone heard of this Polaris World lawsuit?

31 Oct 2008 8:52 PM:

i have heard of it on various sites looks like things are really snowballing here about time!!!

Thread: Has anyone heard of this Polaris World lawsuit?


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