¿Quien es joekaren46?

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Soy... un hombre

Sobre mi... Ex Air Traffic Controller. Was in the RAF.

Vivo en... Benalmadena Pueblo & Norfolk.

Me gusta... Writing, Golf, theatre, movies.

Trabajo de... Novellist.

Mi firma en el foro es...


joekaren46's latest forum comments

08 Oct 2013 2:08 PM:

I recommend The British Removal Company, can't remember their UK number, but here on 0034 952 426 463. They have moved me a few times, and I think they are great on service and price.

Thread: Moving from UK to Spain Oct - which removal company is best?

08 Oct 2013 2:04 PM:

I am looking for a large light wooden office desk, preferably with a couple of drawers built in. Condition ought to be good to excellent. My mobile is 687 715 246.


Joseph D.


This message was last edited by joekaren46 on 08/10/2013.
Thread: Wanted: Office Desk

08 Mar 2013 10:28 AM:

I had a series of speeding fines in 2009, all were over 1300€. You must check that the Traffico guys have your current address, otherwise the initial fine is sent to the address they have for you. It's ironic that here in Spain they can't find your address when the fine is circa 100€ but when all the late penalties are added SUDDENLY they can find you. Only in Spain........

Thread: Help I got a speeding ticket for 1080.00 for 2011?

19 Dec 2012 3:05 PM:

Oh no he won't...Oh Yes he will...Oh no he won't...Oh Yes he will....

The world will only end when Norwich City win the English Premier League, and that's not until next May.....



19 Dec 2012 10:59 AM:

Well, if anyone does REALLY think the world ends on the 21st, please could they drop all their valuables, and money, off at my house by the 20th............



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