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15 Feb 2008 8:10 AM:


Firstly could I introduce myself?   I have been appointed by the Developer INROAL as a liaison for clients.  The situation at the moment is as follows:
Originally the developer purchased the land, applied for a building license which was granted by the local town hall.   He paid all the taxes etc and started to build the complex.   The Junta of Andalusia (the Government) then revoked the licenses for certain parts of the complex.   The reason given was that the population would expand too much and they needed to review the whole project.   This review will be done on the next General Plan for Terque.   This is not to say that it will or will not be eventually built but could take up to a year to resolve.   To try to resolve this problem for clients INROAL has offered, at this moment 4 options, that will be completed soon or in the case of Orihuela is key ready now.  

As another gesture of good will INROAL will honour the full deposit paid by clients that transfer.  

When your deposit was sent to INROAL, he in turn paid the agents a commission.   If at the end of the day you insisted in canceling then you would have to claim this commission back from the agents involved.  

Currently INROAL is not in the position to repay deposits paid by clients as he to is  in the process of trying to reclaim monies he spent from the town hall.  

It would obviously be in your interest to accept the offer from INROAL and re-locate to another development.  

Should you require any further assistance please don’t hesitate to contact me.






Mobile:    0034 638462979


Office:     0034 950335155

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