02 Jul 2013 1:42 PM:
I would like some more information on this subject as well on the rules for car modification in Spain. (information - not pointless bickering and squabling please).
As I understand (from the gestor that helped me with changing my car to H plates) its possible to have certain things modified but it must be done by an "approved" garage/installer and verified by an engineer. No one seems to know what is exactly is involved - the gestor has never had to go through this procedure before and had hinted that I should have made the modication in the UK - and had the English paperwork changed and then imported the car.
When I imported my car it already had several other modifcations which the engineer did not mention during his inspection and it was not mentioned on the subsequent "first" ITV inspection. A few of these were glaringly obvious to anyone who knew the particular car I have.
Has anyone been through the official channels for modification?
Modifying a Car in Spain , some clarification from experts required