19 May 2012 11:34 AM:
I have just received the minutes of our last AGM and found out that the president is to get a fifty per cent reduction in his community fees. We already pay an administrator and our community is quite small with only a couple of dozen apartments so I can't say that I am very pleased. The meeting was called last minute and later than it should have been and I suspect was pushed through with few of the residents there apart from his supporters. I was away or would have attended though I gave my proxy to someone who I am sure would have voted against this having done the job as president for many years for nothing. He had tried to get some remuneration once before by, I assume, organising the administrator to put forward the proposal but I and others voted against it choosing instead to offer a small remuneration for telephone costs etc. To be honest he isn't a particularly good president. Difficult to approach and not very helpful once you do manage to contact him but now, even if we manage to replace him, the precedent has been set up and I can't see this being changed. In fact I think we would now find it difficult to get him to step down.
Do you pay your President