29 Sep 2012 12:03 PM:
There is no comparison IMO. I've lived in Spain for 9 years, and in France for 5 years before that. France was lovely, but did get expensive! I was widowed here in Spain over 5 years ago, but never considered returning to the UK. In my case it's also true that I have many more friends here than in the UK, and I enjoy my lifestyle. I can go out in the evening without running into lager louts, eat out when I want to, wander down to the beach.....
I don't have a large income, but I manage quite well. It has become easier in recent monthswith the pound regaining some of its lost ground. I know that there's no way I could afford the same lifestyle in the UK as I have here.
In my experience, the reason many people want to return to the UK is fear. They beoieve everything they read in the British press about Spain - some rubbish about the government making plans to repatriate expats from Spain etc. Many people make no attempt to learn the language. I spoke French pretty fluently when I left France, and my Spanish is more than adequate now to deal with most situations, although many people speak Valenciano here! My husband died here in Spain, and I couldn't fault the medical treatment he received - yes, I did have to stay in hospital with him to provide care, but that's what you'd want to do, isn't it? Far better to do that that have to waste trained medical personnel's time providing that sort of care.
My complaint this summer is that the weather has been too hot so I couldn't get out and about as much as I wanted.
Why go back to the Uk? Is Spain not cheap enough?