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keith123's latest forum comments

16 Apr 2018 3:40 PM:

Yes thats Ok but I only got the box at the end of december and paid up from for the Box and a years subscription to all UK and Sports channels

Just feel totally ripped off by This company and they do not want to help solve the problem.

Yet again get your money and dump you

I will pay a solicitor to sort out even if the cost is more than I paid in the first place - I cannot stand being ripped off or seeing others being treated in the same way


Thread: Square media Los Alcazares

15 Apr 2018 9:45 PM:


We have been supplied internet and TV by Square media who are based at Los Alcazares. The Internet is through Emartenez and i have to say that we have had very good reading well above the 15mbs we contracted for. The TV Box (MAG) was supplied in conjunction and Installed by Square media and despite repeated requests to fix the reception of the system we have had nothing but excuses from them blaming anyone else for the problems. The latest was to go to a backup system which bears no resemblence to the purchased item and system and even so only lasted a day before it too stoped working. The owner of the company will not reply to text messages and certain will not offer any type of refund. We are left with very little television and certain non that is watchable afer 7.00pm at night

This is the worst company I have ever delt with and I would not reccomend them to anybody 


Thread: Square media Los Alcazares


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