18 Oct 2010 12:00 AM:
This is my story . Can you help? We arrived at our apartment to find a letter from the electicity company stating that they intended to cut us off . We had belived that they had been taking the standing charge on direct debit ,but they had decided that they did not want to take our money . We immediately made a visit to the electricity company and they gave us a form that we took to the post office .
Then we went to the bank and told them that the money had not been going out .she filled a few forms in and we left .
Will that solve our problem for the future ? or do we need some-one who speaks Spanish to talk to the electiricty company and ensure that they take the money or will the bank have sorted that for us.? It just niggles in your head.
Also how do we get all our bills sent to the UK . not easy when your Spanish is not good.
All simple problems ,but here they seem so difficult.
We are here longer than we expected ,so this is the opportunity . Sorry about the rambling ,just talking my thoughts.
Electricity problems