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kevinphall's latest forum comments

30 Apr 2009 12:00 AM:

Only 4 days to go now until my new life in Malaga!

I am the most excited I have ever been in my life, but my only concern is that I don't have any friends in the area! How have people found making new friends in Spain?? Any suggestions on making new mates will be very welcome - or even better if you live on the costa del sol and around my age (25) get in touch!




Thread: Making Friends

26 Apr 2009 5:16 PM:

Thank you I didn't see that, however, I have had a look and unfortunately there is only 1 apartment in central Malaga and it isnt suitable.

Ill keep on the hunt!

Thread: A week to go.....help with finding an Apartment

26 Apr 2009 12:00 AM:

After deciding with my partner in December that we wanted to move to Spain, the time is now upon us with just a week to go until we pack our bags and head to Malaga!

I am a self employed travel agent so luckily I can take my job with me, and my partner is spanish with a very good  degree so fingers crossed he shouldnt take too long to find a job!

We have a hotel booked for 2 weeks, and whilst at the hotel we are going to find an Apartment to rent, hopefully in central Malaga. Can anyone recommend any good agents to help us in this area? Does anyone know which areas in Malaga are best/worst etc?? Or even better do you know anyone with an apartment they are looking to let?? We are looking for a 2 bed for less than 600 euros per month.


Thread: A week to go.....help with finding an Apartment

25 Apr 2009 7:26 PM:

Hi Lisa

I am moving to Malaga a week on Monday. I am a Travel Expert, in Malaga I will be working from home selling holidays to the UK market.

Please feel free to consider me, I could give expats advice on how to get the best holiday prices from Spain.



Thread: Hi again from Lisa at Spectrum FM - Still looking for people to interview.

25 Feb 2009 12:00 AM:


I have been searching the interenet for hours and can't seem to find the answer, so hopefully someone on here will be kind enough to help me.

I am moving to Malage with my Partner in May. I currenty work as a travel agent on a self employed basis from home, and I am able to continue with this job from Malaga.

I can gather that I have to pay social security of around 220 euros per month, and it seem tax at 25%, after a personal limit of around 5000 euros, thisseems really high.

Does anyone know what my nett pay would be on a salary of around 20'000 Euros a year? Can I deduct costs such as broadband/telephone lines that I need for my business?? Also in the UK and I can offset a % of my rent that I use as an office, can I do this in Spain?

Any advise would be really appreciated!!


Thread: Income Tax & Social Security


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Lost in Spain
"The story of a young lads journey adapting to a new life in Malaga."
Last Updated: 8/29/2009 10:48:28 AM
Lifetime Views: 4165

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