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05 Dec 2011 6:52 PM:

How about Marbella - town centre seems like a nice place to be. Quite a large place, good beaches, good connections to the airport etc...

Thread: 28 years old, moving to Andalucia

04 Dec 2011 2:34 PM:

hey everyone, thanks for the helpful replies - sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you all, I've been away. ive started thinking about going somewhere west of malaga, marbella, evliria sort of area as it looks like I can get a a really nice place close to the beach for under 1000 a month, and the areas are perhaps big enough to meet people and make friends down there. the beaches seem alot nicer too. havent been able to find as many nice places in malaga old town as i have in marbella, elviria sort of area, although its possible im looking in the wrong places (yaencontre, enalquiler etc.)

Thread: 28 years old, moving to Andalucia

26 Oct 2011 2:34 PM:

Thanks everyone for the replies!

Rod, Malaga's probably the default option for me anyway, I suppose it makes most sense as it's quickest to get to London from, by the sea and a fairly big city. I just haven't been there much so wasn't sure - do you know the city well? Ideally I'd like to be right in the mix of the nightlife, but as close to the sea and/or parks as possible? I don't know much about the various neighbourhoods at all, or where the better beaches are. Looks like the ones to the east are nicer than those to the west, but that's just going by google maps!

Bri I just spent the weekend in Barcelona and loved it, but as my Spanish still needs work I thought it would be better to be based somewhere where Castellano is everyone, hearing Catalan everywhere might make it a little harder. Is a shame though, it's an awesome city which checks all the boxes otherwise. And as for Madrid, I think the hardest decision will be deciding between Malaga and Madrid. I hear they have the best accent for learning Spanish in Madrid and it's doubtless got the most opportunity for meeting people etc. but I might find myself wishing I had moved to the coast.

Thanks very much for the help guys!!








I think it will be between Malaga and Madrid. I've spent alot of time in Nerja and loved it there, but its probably a little too small

Thread: 28 years old, moving to Andalucia

25 Oct 2011 12:00 AM:

Hello everyone - this is a really great forum.

I'm moving to Spain next year, and am in the fortunate position of being able to continue under the employment of my London based company, working from home. As I'm coming on my own, I am trying to find an area where I can feasibly meet alot of people and create a social life for myself. I'd like to be by the sea as I'm an avid swimmer, but need a big city feel to the place as I'm not really looking for a quiet place to retire to. My rental budget will be around 1000 euros a month, so hopefully I can get a nice place. My Spanish level is intermediate, but pushing that to a higher level is another strong motivation for moving.

Alot of people on this forum seem very knowledgable on areas in the south - any recommendations of places to consider would be bery much appreciated!

Thank you!



Thread: 28 years old, moving to Andalucia

20 May 2011 12:00 AM:


Most of my course mates practice their verb conjugation on the spadril website, but you sign-in with a facebook account which I dont have (i dont want to open for reasons too long to go through here!)

Anyone know of alternatives which are as good?


Thread: Conjugation practice


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