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laurabw's latest forum comments

10 Mar 2014 5:50 PM:

Hi, does anyone have an idea on costs of having British sattelite TV fitted and also general monthly costs.(Not just terrestrial programmes)

Also we need to get internet fitted so need approximate cost of having fitted and monthly costs.


Thanks Laura



Thread: TV and Internet costs

08 Mar 2014 2:28 PM:

Hi, lots of responses so of course yet more confusion.

We do intend to live in Spain but really need to settle in for a few months before doing anything permanent - that is only sensible.

Reporting people to the DVLA or police - I feel that is quite despicable as would most people I am sure, as to the ones who suggest just getting on with it and being illegal I dont see us doing that either.

The reason we are bringing our car is practical as we can load it up and drive to Spain (taking the ferry to Bilbao) it is far from being a new car so 1000 euros seems a lot to pay to register it. To what happend to it after that I dont know yet.

As far as the insurance goes we understand that UK will only cover us for 3 months abroad so we have no choice but to have Spanish insurance.

All in all I think the sensible thing to to is pay for 6 months tax, keep the UK insurance for as long as they let us, decide on being residents when we have been there 3 months, in other words get there then find out the way to do things.


thanks to all

Thread: CAR TAX

07 Mar 2014 7:32 PM:

Thank you for the response. Once again some very good advice. I had understood that we would have 6 months to make the decision - until then we were visitors.

I think that we will find out more of the best way to do things when we get to Spain and spoken to people who have lived there a while as they seem to be far more informed than official sites are.

Regards Laura



Thread: CAR TAX

07 Mar 2014 5:14 PM:

Thanks very much that is very useful information and is exactly what we needed to find out.

It makes sense to only get 6 months tax and re-do the insurance to Spanish insurance as soon as we can.

As for keeping the car perhaps it would be better to put the 1000 Euros towards buying a Spanish car which of course will have the advantage of left hand drive.  Also this will give my partner time to get used to Spanish roads before having to get used to a left hand drive car - although he does have my full confidence.


Thanks again Laura

Thread: CAR TAX

07 Mar 2014 4:55 PM:

Thanks for your reply - we are intending to buy the road tax at the end of March and are intending living in Spain since we have now retired.

What we need to know is what happens in September when the tax runs out - we obviously will need to renew it but would we be allowed to do that in Spain as we want to keep the car for quite a while longer.

What we do not understand is the rules regarding having our car in Spain as each district seems to be different and every site gives different advice - we will be living in the Murcia/Alicante area

Also will our MOT be valid for 12 months? Also Car Insurance is it cheaper in Spain

Lots of questions I know but any help really appreciated


Thread: CAR TAX


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