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09 Jan 2007 12:17 AM:

I have done some more research and discovered this:


Interealty has a large customer base and I am sure that there are many who are affected if the claims of the website are true.

Is there a regulator authority in Canaries/Spain to whom questions may be directed?

Thread: Fuerteventuramar II

08 Jan 2007 1:12 AM:

Is there anyone who is caught in this where money for a deposit for a sale has been taken and a contract co-signed with the Company and the Developer. It is not known whether the developer is affected etc.

Plans for a class action may be in order.

Thread: Fuerteventuramar II

07 Jan 2007 12:00 AM:

I am new to this forum but as I live far away from Europe I depend on this for information which I cannot extract from my very competent Solicitor.

When I signed my "agreement to purchase" with the Developer AND the real estate agent (Interealty in my case), the contract was clear. This is in relation to the an near complete (due Oct 2006) property called Fuerteventuramar II in Caleta de Fueste

Now, I hear that the estate agent has closed down in Fuerteventura and I am still unclear why this has happened and what their liability is in this case. There has been no communication, but when I tracked down the agent who was dealing with the case, I was given minimal information and that she had 'moved' to another agency.

Does anyone know the truth?



Thread: Fuerteventuramar II


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