29 Aug 2015 3:58 PM:
I am new to this forum. We have been through this problem after buying our appartment here in spain. The hacienda or tax office opened a file on us and dropped it ast it was not conform. They just opened a new one just on my wife. So it seems they can open as many cases as they want and harrass honest people and most of them foreigners as much they want.
When I read that people say it is not illegal I doubt it. When people say we cannot do anything I doubt it. We all need to fight this, by petition, letters, protests, European commission and all the means possible. I intend to open a web site just for this purpose and remove all my assets from Spain and pay only from French account or american account till this process stops. I will come back on this when I get some replies. I know a European deputy and I am sure other of you have some friends.
And if people say it is not worth, we will see. If we fight some people will certainly loose their jobs at the tax office and the other will be be more honest.
Hacienda Tax Demands