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McManus x

mcmanus123's latest forum comments

27 Aug 2008 8:52 PM:

Thanks very much Rashmi! 
How long has it taken you to learn enough spainish to be useful?
Because I've heard it can be useful if you know basic spainsh

What does your husband work as (if i'm not being too nosey!) because we are thinking of training to be able to do something else.

A + R McManus

Thread: Work in spain?? =S

26 Aug 2008 9:18 AM:

we would like to find the house for 2009.

Thread: Nearly There !

24 Aug 2008 5:50 PM:

Can I just ask?     What site?        thanks x

Thread: Nearly There !

24 Aug 2008 5:48 PM:

Thanks. I'll have a look

Thread: Nearly There !

24 Aug 2008 5:47 PM:

Thanks for the advice. I hope it will help.


Thread: Work in spain?? =S


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mcmanus moving to spain
"We would just like to know some information about living and moving to spain because we may be moving to Spain in the near future."
Last Updated: 8/24/2008 9:04:35 AM
Lifetime Views: 4841

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