15 Apr 2013 11:41 PM:
Thanks Ian.
My wife and I have spent the last 8 months in Cuenca, Ecaudor and I've spent a fair bit of that time attempting to learn Spanish. While I'm hardlly fluent, and my accent is latin american, I can make a bit of a go of it in Spanish, and when I run up against a wall my wife (much more competent in Spanish than I) can usually bail me out. Consequently while we enjoy expats and find that we can learn much from those that ventured to new areas before us, we don't feel like we must be confined to English only areas. So your suggestions on the areas north of Valencia are appreciated as well as your thoughts on the South.
All websites should be as helpful as this one. As it appears that you are involved with the site, you have my sincere congratulations as well as thanks.
New and seeking guidance