05 Aug 2010 5:14 AM:
This is the first time I have posted a message on EOS, but thought I must do so now, as it was all the comments
on here that led me to the success I have had in just getting all my deposit inc. interests returned to me.
It is the end of four long years of increasing worry, stress and frustration, but it was through this site I finally
sought the help of Maria and her team at Costaluz Lawyers. They have realy been the light in a very bleak
darkness, and can only say in just 5 short months have managed with their unstinting and also courageous
( I found few were willing to take on the big boys ) help, I can draw a line under this torture.
Please don't think I feel smug in any way, I found from all the comments that there are just so many going
through the same torture, but if you can find the right sort of help, I sincerely wish the same result for anyone
feeling it's never going to end, and everything is lost. Hang in there, good luck and thankyou.
Success claiming under a bank guarantee