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mollie1's latest forum comments

02 Jul 2009 9:33 AM:

Thanks Kel for the advice.

Would it be possible for Maria or any other lawyer to give advice on this please?



Thread: Completion due but Phase 2 not started

01 Jul 2009 12:00 AM:

We are shorlty due to complete on our off plan property. .  Phase 1 is complete but building has yet to start on phase  2.  Although we have a small pool in phase 1 the main pool is in phase 2.  

Can anyone advise please whether we could withold part payment until phase 2 is complete?

Many Thanks



Thread: Completion due but Phase 2 not started

14 Jul 2008 10:42 PM:

Good idea. I'm new to this!


Thread: Meeting

14 Jul 2008 12:00 AM:


I would like to hear from you if you have bought at Los Altos del Golf in Majorca.  (Taylor Woodrow)  We are purchasing and a forum has been set up for the development. 

Alternatively if you live or own in Majorca I would appreciate the benefit of your experience.



Thread: Meeting


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