14 Jul 2008 2:18 PM:
I have been reading the posts by many owners complaining about P60. I probably have a unique insight in that I own another property where P60 used to be the administrators.
I completed on the property in 2004 and experienced exactly the same rubbish from P60 as we are now experiencing from them. They always lay the blame somewhere else and get little done.
Fortunately, the community sacked them after 12 months and appointed another company. The difference was unbelievable, almost immediately the new admisnistrators were on the case and getting thing done. We still have the same adminstrator now and I have to say the complex is looking lovely and I am very pleased. The complex was also sold via Allied so there is obviously a relationship there.
Unless we get rid of P60 we will have to put up with a crap service forever.
Princess park