14 May 2017 12:05 AM:
One thing dog owners have to bear in mind is the breed of dog. Retrievers are never a problem! But there is a list of 15 potentially dangerous dogs (including any mixed breeds from these dogs) in Spain that need to wear muzzles in public and always be on a lead, be kept in secure areas, and the owners must have all the relevant paperwork needed and insurance cover. If not and something happens they can be in serious trouble. The police are becoming more vigilant about this and people have been stopped and asked to show papers if the dog is unmuzzled.
It´s the same in England, in that you cannot just take any breed of dog into the country and walk about with it unmuzzled if it is classified as a potentially dangerous breed - except that in Spain the list covers far more breeds.
One problem is that different regions have different lists of potentially dangerous dogs some cover all 15 and some less - so if driving and stopping you also have to check what regions you are crossing through apart from the region you are staying in. For example, Valencia covers 14. There are lists available on the internet to check that show classification region by region.
Canine requirements