29 Dec 2018 10:52 AM:
What we must have is a #peoplesvote on the deal to put an end to this self harming nonsense once and for all and whichever way it goes, the outcome should be final. Those who voted out should take this democratic opportunity if it is eventually offered, as all we keep hearing are complaints about the brexit deal that has actually been negotiated, they say we will become rule takers, well we will!..... so that means that we must have been rulemakers as part of the EU, that in itself proves that the authors of the leave vote lied to the people, that's without the rest of the rubbish spouted at the time, which I won't go into, so as I said at the beginning in my view a #peoplesvote is the only democractic solution to the mess that the vote to leave the EU has got us into, orchestrated by a very irresponsible, self serving government.
Deal or no Deal