13 Nov 2007 10:31 PM:
Have been reading this thread with interest as we are purchasing through Palmera and about to complete - hopefully very shortly. We have been using solicitors recommended by Palmera and now discover that we are expected to pay additional costs for legal fees - although we were assured that these were included in the Agency Fees we had to pay originally. Also it now transpires that other people purchasing on the same site didnt have to pay Agency Fees.
Has anyone else come across this - we have sent documents to them but all they and the solicitors seem to say is the fees are not included. If we have to pay then I would consider using alternative solicitors but am worried now about the timescale as this means more Power of Attorney etc. etc. -
I have been told that Palmera read this thread so if you are reading it - you probably know who I am and that your office I dealt with has now been closed so what's the point of telling me to contact the office I dealt with originally.
I would value any comments or advice anyone can give me.
Thanks guys.
Palmera Properties