28 Mar 2013 11:04 AM:
Dear All,
my post was to illustrate everywhere suffers from unecessary regulation, some of which is unbelievably stupid.
the flood plain victim should have proved that the general ground level was sinking and not static, had been doing so since the middle ages - would the wise law lord then come to the opposite view???? or would have blind stupidity prevailed???
I am no fan at all of Spanish urbanisations/communal living and the fraud that is perpetuated when these are sold as holiday compexes.
But as usual information is lacking........why is someone elses private garden directly under your lounge window????
this is communal living with a vengance surely????
why are you so eager to make complaint in advance about imaginary nuisance from a private pool????
when it is clear you have a holiday home on a community of holiday homes where the weather dictates that the outside is inside and holidays are fun times with noisy rejoicing until quite late, as is the mode and entirely to be expected???
communal or mews type developments are wonderful when all owners are considerate, nightmare when they are not, all as expected on purchase.
it would seem that the complaint is premature and unneighbourly, could not be sustained if the pool was above ground and even noisier.
perhaps you believe that they should not be allowed a hot tub either to make use of the wonderful climate and all holiday makers should be asleep by 10 pm????
This message was last edited by normansands on 28/03/2013.
garden swimming pool ?