¿Quien es pearllinda?

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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... having a great life on the costa blanca

Vivo en... javea

Me gusta... walking, swimming,reading,travelling

Trabajo de... holiday rentals

Mi firma en el foro es...

Pearl Linda

pearllinda's latest forum comments

09 Jun 2012 5:35 PM:

 Poor Campasol, I think you should move, it must be awul feeling vulnerable in your own homw

Thread: How Are Things in Your Area?

09 Jun 2012 4:02 PM:

 Well, I live in glorious Javea and things here are buzzing, everyone I know has work and the restaurants and bars are busy,the sea is blue and our new Mayor is forward thinking so things are all hapening to attract new business here. I cant think of anywhere else I would rather be. I  am beginning to think the whole ''crisis'' is a politicians ruse to get us all scared !

Thread: How Are Things in Your Area?

19 Apr 2012 2:57 PM:

 Two words............... Dont wait


Thread: love spain

18 Apr 2012 10:55 PM:

 Oh Dartboy, its not too good to ha

ve regrets but I do understand where you are coming from. I moved here 20 odd years ago and still love it, I am sure I could have made more money in UK but my wellbeing is enhanced by being here and that means more to me


Thread: love spain

02 Apr 2012 7:14 PM:

 surely he was alsways thick?Regardless of nationality?

Thread: love spain


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living a great life in Spain
"my story is about my life in Spain and the fun I have, from renting holiday villas to swimming in the sea."
Last Updated: 7/13/2014 9:19:42 AM
Lifetime Views: 61550

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