28 Dec 2010 5:01 PM:
,I have been a member of EOS for some time and have gleened a great deal of useful advice from reading the very interesing threads. I am an early retiree and have been thinking of moving to live in Spain for some time. I currently own a 2 bed 2 bath apartment in Vera Playa which I visit as often as I can. Family circumstances have so far prevented my wife and I from moving to spain, but having experienced the last two winters, we are now seriously planning to give it a try.
The cost of living is of great interest as although I am personally retired, my wife is stll in employment and if we were to move to spain our income would drop significantly. We have savings and would not be selling our home as I think it would be wise to retain a foothold in the UK property market. We would have an annual income of appx £18,000 net. Clearly the lifestyle you choose dictates how expensive the cost of living may be, coupled with the exchange rate. I would however appreciate any comments on whether our combined income would be sufficient to make the move at this time. I should add that I have no mortgage on the spanish property and my community charge is currently 75 euros per calender month.
Is it cheaper to live in Spain?