29 Jan 2007 3:09 PM:
In reply to haydngi comments regarding "all estate agents".
Being an agent myself i find that very offensive,with over 15 years experience in the uk and three more here i am very proud of my company and the job that we all do here.
We work on our reputation and i would allow anyone to to ask our clients how they are treated both initially and through to completion.
As for Qualifications i have several from the NAEA and worked very hard to get them!
You have obviously been mistreated by someone to have such a poor opinion of estate agents in general but dont forget that there are some of us that are still honest and get great job satisfaction from customer care.
Anyone can be an estate agent but not everyone is aware of what the job actually entails!
you do not actually need a smooth tongue if you find people what they are looking for,the art is listening and not trying to sell something but find something.
i would also like to say that contrary to your opinion most of my clients have become friends and regulary return to our shop either on business or on personal terms
Warning! I do not recommend Ocean Estates