29 Sep 2012 9:39 AM:
Hi mac75
The point I was trying to make about boring lives is that moving to Spain isn't the great 'cure all' that some believe it is going to be (e.g. it won't fix a broken marriage; it won't turn introverts into extroverts; it won't turn a couch potato into an Olympian). And that once these people realise this (by these people I mean some of those who return home, those who your OP asked about; not those who choose to remain in Spain, happy or not) they may decide that the 'Spanish dream' is not for them.
Now, if you wish, I can lay out my life's timeline (I have lived in Bahrain, Kenya, Germany, Holland, Ireland, the USA, various places in the UK, and even Spain for 5 years), and list all the pros of living in the UK, along side all the cons of living in Spain (which I could do without 'having a go' at the Spanish); but that would have nothing to do with your OP - whether helpful to some or not.
Why go back to the Uk? Is Spain not cheap enough?