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12 May 2012 2:18 PM:

Hi George,

Yes, I am in Bangkok. But, take enquries from all around the world if anyone needs help.

Best regards,


Thread: QROPS Pensions

12 May 2012 2:16 PM:

Hi Karen,

If you have a private pension in the UK, you can transfer to Malta which has a DTA with Spain. The you just pay the Spanish income tax upondrawdown. This can be paid directly into your Spanish bank account and it can be set up in EUROS or GBP. Your choice.

This will then avoid all UK taxes and Maltese taxes. So, no 55% tax upon death. So, if anything happens to your husband, the whole lot gets passed on to you. The only tax you pay is the Spanish income tax when you draw benefits.

QROPS does not suit everyone. Sometimes it is better off left in the UK. It depends on where you intened to retire, the amount, the type of pension and other factors.

Best regards,



Thread: Forces Pensions in Spain

12 May 2012 2:04 PM:

Hi Sue,

No, you are correct the changes won't be applied retrospectively. Anyone who moved into a QROPS before will be subject to the old rules. The QROPS they hold will be delisted, but they won't face an unauthorized tax charge. Armed forced pensions can only be transferred to a QROPS if they are not in drawdown and they started the pension after 1986.

Best regards,


Thread: Forces Pensions in Spain

11 May 2012 10:36 PM:

Hi Ojosazul88.

Yes, you can find the dates HMRC posted to their site here as well as some more info concerning NZ, Guernsey and EU QROPS here:

by googling 'hmrc's pension schemes news' and clicking on the first link to HMRC's site

Updated QROPS list on 10th May. Amendments on 8th May, 2012. Not on the forum to quibble over semantics. Hopefully, both of our posts should help some expats out there who are not au fait with the new rules and changes.

All the best,



Thread: QROPS Pensions

11 May 2012 12:58 PM:

There are some new changes which took place yesterday. PM me if you want advice. I'm here to help. Forums are places where people help each other and share ideas. This is a specialist area.

Thread: Forces Pensions in Spain


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