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Vivo en... Hacienda Riquelme,Sucina

Me gusta... Running

Mi firma en el foro es...

Martin Church

roadrunners's latest forum comments

19 Aug 2010 12:00 AM:

Just bought a new Peugeot 3008 in Spain, thought I would bring over a tow bar and full electrics for the car from the UK, (thought it would save me some cash) its the same make and type Peugeot use. But the dealers would not fit it, because it was not supplied by them.

Its Witter swan neck, detachable Tow bar.

Anyone know of a really good fitter, that will not give me any trouble with Peugeot.


Thread: Fitting tow bar to car


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Collection from UK to Murcia
" The vanman we have used from EOS blog is broken down,anyone with a van coming from UK to Murcia? before we leave on the 8th of May. Boxes measures 5ft x 3ft x 3ft plus lightweight patio sunbed Please email mrtnchurch@yahoo.co.uk"
Last Updated: 4/28/2010 3:21:25 PM
Lifetime Views: 3911

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