27 Jan 2008 9:56 AM:
It still comes down to 'buyer beware' but this is typical of developing Governments all over the world. ALL Governments are corrupt !!! - all we can do is discuss the 'degree of corruption' and yes, that DOES include our one back home! (NOTE: I didn't vote for them - I don't vote so that I can moan about ALL of them) Governments normally want foriegn monies to be brought into their country but are often in the early stages of working out the best ways to do this. I'm sure most of us have got off the plane in Malaga, got in our hire car and driven along the A-7 (desparately trying to avoid getting on the wrong slip road and having to 'pay' (AP-7) even though it's less than a euro to legally do '120' or a little bit more - I love that road). We have all looked at the skyline full of cranes. We have all looked at what seems to be the last bit of spare ground on the coast side going under concrete. Strange how when we were told we could make up to 30% a year on growth, we didn't care how much of the coastline was burried! There has to be a 'happy medium' where development does not get out of hand, foriegn investers have something worth investing in, and the local people get some infastructure, some facitities and somewhere to live themselves.
I personally think that enough building work has been done. Get the ones that have been built or those that are still under construction sold, roads done, trees planted, looking good - then take a look to see if more is actually 'needed'. That way, the hillsides will look good instead of the whole coastline looking like a building site. Perhaps 'Disney' may then take another look? - although I'm not sure there are quite enough MacDonalds yet.
Too much greed from inside and outside of Spain has lead to this (with other factors I know) - maybe it's time to throttle back. VERY sad for those about to, or who have already been 'caught' by this 'return to nature', and yes, the rules should have been adhered to BEFORE building. I'm sure we will all stay glued to this story. I feel sadest for those who's actual 'home' we are talking about. Investors always take risks - win some, loose some.
Home demolished in Vera