16 Jul 2012 2:39 PM:
Thanks for an excellent analysis with appropriate hard data, credible conclusion, and recommendations.
The data on the "black economy" is a real eye opener. You convince me that if this is sorted, in a short space of time years Spain could be back on its financial feet.
Why then do you appear to "back off" when talking about "clobbering small business?¨" Why did president Rajoy say "we have to increase the rate of (VAT) tax from 18% to 21 % because many people are not paying their fair share of taxes?"
We can all see the answer :-
- make everyone pay their fair share of tax.
How could this be done:-
* Re inforce and reinvigourate and if necessary retrain the tax authorities (HACIENDA), supplemented with the best talent from the remainder of the overgrown public sector.
* Focus on VAT cheats , Income tax cheats, ExPat cheats, Benefit cheats, Money laundering cheats.
* Announce an anmesty of three months and the substantiall penalties while training the Tax Fraud teams.
Do all this without fear. Meet corrupted self interest resistance with a very eficient publicity machine and the law.
Thank you for stmulating these thoughts with your analysis.
The Politicians in a Panic