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royoftherovers's latest forum comments

16 Feb 2020 3:57 PM:

Kavanagh, I give up on you. Over and out.

Thread: Registering as EU citizen

15 Feb 2020 7:23 PM:

Kavanagh, You have not answered my question. I am applying common sense and maintaining evidence of my compliance requirements. Now, what would you do ?

Thread: Registering as EU citizen

15 Feb 2020 6:28 PM:

John zx, I agree.


Kavanagh, I think that you are thinking English perspective again. Can you tell me of a better way of meeting the Spanish requirements ?

Thread: Registering as EU citizen

15 Feb 2020 5:35 PM:

It is a mistake to view Spanish requirements from an English perspective.

If they require US to satisfy THEM then we must.

We must keep the records not them.Quite simple and rather clever really.

I drive to and from Spain twice each year, so if I keep records of

Buying fuel in UK ON MY DAY OF LEAVING and Channel Tunnel crossing and 

Hotel accommodation, food purchases, fuel purchased etc and keep records of my return to UK,I can easily satisfy the Spanish authorities should they accuse me of staying too long.

It is not Rocket Science but is clearly a pain in the Bum !

Let`s hope that UK negotiators can perpetuate the current arrangement of 6 months in a calendar year.

Thread: Registering as EU citizen

15 Feb 2020 3:15 PM:

Wether documentation is stamped or not, the onus will be on US to PROVE we are not staying longer than is allowed.

Thread: Registering as EU citizen


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