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09 Jun 2021 7:57 AM:

Wow, way to blow a question on which neighborhood would someone recommend out of proportion! All I'll.say is I've never seen the level of security you've described as needed in any of the 5 countries I've lived in.... But please, please let's not continue this pointless discussion.


Going back to the original question, I would love to hear some recommendations on areas others would consider to live in Valencia.


Thanks to @mariedav for the suggestion on Torrent. I hadn't considered it and seems like an interesting choice!

Thread: Where in Valencia?

08 Jun 2021 9:13 PM:

I understand your point, but having grown in a city with much higher petty (and somewhat violent) crime rate (Bogota), my experience is that mugging actually does happen less in nicer neighborhoods for a variety of reasons (more police presence, sketchy muggers being much more obvious to spot, etc). Crowded places, yes of course, but other than that, not as much as in places where crime can take place in the open.


I lived in Sweden for a while. Some neighborhoods that looked quite alright for foreign visitors actually had gang problems; it never hurts to ask someone who actually knows s city what their view is of particular neighborhoods 🤷‍♂️

Thread: Where in Valencia?

08 Jun 2021 6:23 PM:

Thanks, will do! But I did want to ask simply because sometimes, outsiders may miss the fact that a particular neighborhood is considered really bad and unsafe because when they visited everything seemed fine and it was a sunny day, if that makes sense ;)

Thread: Where in Valencia?

08 Jun 2021 5:20 PM:

I will look Torrent and Paterna up, thanks for sharing. I do like big cities. I am originally from an 8 million people myself, so I don't generally find Valencia too busy ;)

Thread: Where in Valencia?

08 Jun 2021 12:03 PM:

I feel like I have added so many questions here lately! Apologies!

We've been looking at options with my wife. At this point, we are pretty much with the idea that the place that we really would like to call our second home is Valencia (city). But we don't know much about the different neighborhoods or parts of the city, and we find that here in Valencia it might not be so straightforward to know if a neighborhood is good (i.e. not considered sketchy by local standards, unsafe, etc) or not.

Which parts of the city would more experienced users in this forum recommend for Valencia?

What do you think of the following, where we have seen some interesting places?

  • Camins Al Grau
  • Cabañal - CañaMeral

i'd love some feedback and suggestions on areas to consider.


Thread: Where in Valencia?


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