03 Dec 2012 4:36 PM:
Thank you johnzx.
I registered with the local policia in June and have my 'Certificado de registro de cuidadano de la union'.
My bank account is a non-resident one as i have been told by them i cannot change to a residents account until i have an NIE number and that i will not get one until i have a job!.
We tried to get me onto my Spanish girlfriends health cover but were told that wouldn't be possible as i had no work contract.
I have been living in Spain since May.
I'm only 44 so no pension only rental income.
What a bummer!! seems like prlivate health care is the answer despite the fact that I continue to pay my N1 contributions in the Uk there is no reciprocal arrangement with Spain. When my Spanish girlfriend lived with me in London she had free health care from the word go with no job!!!
Residency and taxes