¿Quien es sandrab?

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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... Loves Spain, loves to talk about Spain - but is realistic!

Vivo en... Bournemouth & La Tercia

Me gusta... Spain, Bridge, singing, cooking, reading, travelling, family

Trabajo de... Entrepreneur(ess)!

Mi firma en el foro es...

Luxury holidays in Murcia spain at 




sandrab's latest forum comments

10 Oct 2018 3:36 PM:

If a President drops dead, then the VP immediately steps up to take charge as vP - the same as if hte President is incapacitated or unwilling to fulfil their duties.  This is the purpose of the VP.

This is my understanding of the situation.





Thread: Community President

01 Aug 2016 4:39 PM:

My frieInd called her son "Alvaro" - its a great name!


Thread: Suggestion For good Spanish Names for new born baby?

10 May 2015 9:07 PM:

Tammydog - we live not to far from Harry too!  Dinner for 2 of us last night in Poole High Street after the boat show was £50  - but only a main, plus a shared pud, glass of wine and a soft drink - not an really expensive restaurant (close to Storm) but nice all the same.  If we go to a chain restaurant then obviously cost lower.  Yes, this area is expensive to eat out I would agree. Spain is a lot cheaper but really high class Spanish food is as expensive as here.

Sue62rsh - if you want some help and advice about your issues and a point in the right direction then do pm me - willing to give you some advice privately.  

Floella's advice was good .

We have just booked flights for June coming back 2nd week in July from Bournemouth - £185 for the 2 of us.  So not too bad.



Thread: help moving to spain

29 Oct 2014 10:00 AM:




Those are typical colours of the Murcia region. - if you want white then head for a Polaris resort or perhaps the Costa da sol !!




Thread: United Golf, La Tercia

28 Oct 2014 8:14 PM:



Not sure the United Golf villas have yellow and blue trim - in fact I am 100% sure they don't as I am an owner there.  The villas with blue and yellow trim are more likely to be at Neuva La Tercia = the other side of the village of La Tercia - not on the resort.  Hope this helps.



Thread: United Golf, La Tercia


sandrab' blogs

We love Murcia
"We love Murcia and we love Spain - its our Castle in the Air and our dream - and we would love to share our space with you"
Last Updated: 3/29/2012 3:51:32 PM
Lifetime Views: 13270

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