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Soy... un hombre

Vivo en... Selsey,West sussex

Trabajo de... policeman

selseyboy's latest forum comments

19 Mar 2014 3:47 PM:

We do have a couple of existing conditions. Nothing life threatening. We have been advised these won't be covered

Thread: Caser Seguros

18 Mar 2014 5:41 PM:

Hi We are retiring to Spain in October and one of the things to consider is Health Insurance as we are a bit younger.

Someone has suggested Caser Seguros for Health Insurance. Does anyone have any feedback through experience good or bad please ??

Thread: Caser Seguros

17 Nov 2013 12:40 PM:

Thanks John Ill pass the info on.

Thread: Spanish funerals/undertakers info and other cheerful stuff

16 Nov 2013 11:35 AM:

Ok thanks John. They are a married couple its just i dont think the mother in law paid enough stamp or opted out or something so im guessing what they get which is about £700 a month for his pension is IT .

Thread: Spanish funerals/undertakers info and other cheerful stuff

15 Nov 2013 10:58 AM:

Interesting points Marc and John thanks. I know when they came to Spain in 2000 they took residencia which I presume John is what you refer to that has been scrubbed for EU citizens. It looks from what you have said that they may have too update thier passports. 

On the point of the extra £55 where does that come from UK or Spain and if Spain do you know how you go about claiming it ?

Thread: Spanish funerals/undertakers info and other cheerful stuff


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Our House in the Alpujarras
"Our Experiences of owning a village house in a small community in The Alpujarras in a village called Yegen. "
Last Updated: 8/9/2014 7:07:01 PM
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