¿Quien es senorita?

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Soy... una mujer

Sobre mi... Retired and share my time between Wales and Spain.

Me gusta... Gardening and walking. Visiting new places.

senorita's latest forum comments

29 Nov 2017 3:52 PM:

Thanks for the info.

Never had any letters and some years I have to chase the office for the SUMA

Thread: Rubbish tax

29 Nov 2017 2:09 PM:

Hi. We live in the campo of Monovar, Alicante.

A new SUMA tax for us arrived last week.

Obviously in Spanish, so a visit to the office to find out what it was all about. It is for "Recogida residues solidos urban".  Rubbish collection. Dated back to 2016, so a 2 year figure of 170 euros to pay.

Does anybody know when and how this was introduced. Is it based on a percentage of the main SUMA house bill?

 Only somehouseholds have them. So why us, when we don' t even have a bin near us. We take all our rubbish out with us in 

the car and deposit it inthe town bins.


I dont mind paying a charge but suddenly to receive a back dated bill that not many people know about with out anywarning is a bit rich even for the Spanish authorities.

Your answers and views much appreciated.


Thread: Rubbish tax

02 Apr 2016 12:50 PM:

Thank you GuyT.  That puts my mind at rest, which is what I understood  the EHIC to be.

Thread: flight insurance

02 Apr 2016 12:47 PM:

Thank you Blue Eyes. Got a quote of £685 basic from Staysure.  So still in a dilemma.

Thread: flight insurance

02 Apr 2016 11:10 AM:

Thank you for your input. The £550 quote is for a 2 month stay for a 76yr old with declared medical  conditions.

So a few visits a year make it very expensive.  It is the peace of mind that is giving me concern and why i am asking for suggestions.

I have found an EHIC Plus policy at £157 which doesnt cover existing medical conditions. Weighing up the pros and cons.

Thread: flight insurance


Spain insurance services

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