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24 May 2016 8:13 AM:

You can top-up your O2 mobile in the following ways:

-You can use an “E-Top Up” card.

-Call O2 automated number: 4444

-Visit any U.K cash machine with the green top-up logo.

If you go abroad it is always better to top-up your mobile before leaving. If you need to top-up from abroad then you have to follow these steps:-

-It will be better to take O2 voucher with you.

-You can use your credit/debit card.

-You can also top-up through O2 website.

If you are in a country where direct dialing is possible then in such case call the O2 Top-up line free by dialing 4444  or by using Hotkey 3 on your Pay and Go mobile.

If you face any problem for Top-up you can call O2 customer service.

Thread: Topping up mobiles


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